Abraham Joshua Heschel School 270 West 89 Street, http://www.heschel.org/
The Alexander Robertson School 3 West 95 Street, http://www.alexanderrobertson.com/
Bank Street School for Children 610 West 112 Street, http://www.bankstreet.edu/
The Calhoun School 433 West End Avenue, http://www.calhoun.org/
The Cathedral School 1047 Amsterdam Avenue, http://www.cathedralnyc.org/
Collegiate School 260 West 78 Street, http://www.collegiateschool.org/
Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School 5 West 93 Street
De La Salle Academy 202 West 97 Street http://www.delasalleacademy.com/
The Dwight School 291 Central Park West, http://www.dwight.edu/
Ethical Culture 33 Central Park West, http://www.ecfs.org/
The Mandell School 103 West 96th Street, http://www.mandellschool.org/
Metropolitan Montessori School 325 West 85 Street, http://www.mmsny.org/
Professional Children's School 132 West 60 Street, http://www.pcs-nyc.org/
The Rodeph Sholom School 168 West 79 Street, http://www.rodephsholomschool.org/
The Solomon Schechter High School of New York 1 West 91 Street, http://www.sshsny.org/
Speyer Legacy School 211 West 61 Street, http://www.speyerlegacyschool.org/
St. Hilda & St. Hugh's School 619 West 114 Street, http://www.sthildas.org/
The Studio School 117 West 95 Street, http://www.studioschoolnyc.org/
The Trevor Day School 1 West 88 Street, http://www.trevor.org/
Trinity School 139 West 91 Street, http://www.trinityschoolnyc.org/
York Prep 40 West 68th Street, http://www.yorkprep.org/
King Arts and Technology HS 122 Amsterdam Avenue
Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School 100 Amsterdam Avenue
Beacon School 237 West 61st Street
West Manhattan Outreach Center 850 Tenth Avenue
Environmental Studies High School Career Education Center West 56th Street
Landmark High School Coalition School for Social Change 220 West 58th Street
The Allen-Stevenson School 132 East 78 Street, http://www.allen-stevenson.org/
The Beekman School and Tutoring Center 220 East 50 Street, http://www.beekmanschool.org/
The Birch-Wathen Lenox School 210 East 77 Street, http://www.bwl.org/
The Brearley School 610 East 83 Street, http://www.brearley.org/
The British International School of New York 20 Waterside Plaza,
The Browning School 52 East 62 Street, http://www.browning.edu/
The Buckley School 113 East 73 Street, http://www.buckleyschool.nyc.org/
The Caedmon School 416 East 80 Street, http://www.caedmonschool.org/
The Cathedral School 319 East 74 Street,
The Chapin School 100 East End Avenue, http://www.chapin.edu/
Convent of the Sacred Heart 1 East 91 Street, http://www.cshnyc.org/
The Dalton School 108 East 89 Street, http://www.dalton.org/
The Family School 323 East 47 Street, http://www.amshq.org/
The Geneva School of Manhattan 583 Park Avenue http://www.genevaschool.net/
The Hewitt School 45 East 75 Street, http://www.hewittschool.org/
La Scuola D'Italia Guglielmo Marconi 12 East 96 Street, http://www.lascuoladitalia.org/
Loyola School 980 Park Avenue, http://www.loyola-nyc.org/
Lycee Francais de New York 505 East 75 Street, http://www.lfny.org/
Lyceum Kennedy 225 East 43 Street, http://www.lyceumkennedy.org/
Manhattan Country School 7 East 96 Street, http://www.mcs.pvt.k12.ny.us/
Marymount School of New York 1026-1028 Fifth Avenue, http://www.marymount.k12.ny.us/
The Nightingale-Bamford School 20 East 92 Street, http://www.nightingale.org/
Philosophy Day School 12 East 79 Street, http://www.philosophyday.org/
Rabbi Arthur Schneier Park East Day School 164 East 68 Street, http://www.parkeast.org/
Ramaz School 60 East 78 Street, http://www.ramaz.org/
Regis High School 55 East 84 Street, http://www.regis-nyc.org/
The Rudolf Steiner School 15 East 78 Street http://www.steiner.edu/
Saint David's School 12 East 89 Street http://www.saintdavidschool.org/
The Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan 50 East 87 Street, http://www.sssm.org/
The Spence School 22 East 91 Street http://www.spenceschool.org/
St. Bernard's School 4 East 98 Street http://www.stbernards.org/
The Town School 540 East 76 Street www.thetownschool.org
The Trevor Day School 11 East 89th Street http://www.trevor.org/
United Nations International School 24-50 FDR Drive, http://www.unis.org/
Hunter High School 71 East 94th Street
Louis D. Brandeis High School 145 East 84th Street
Eleanor Roosevelt HS (CSD 2) 411 East 76th Street
Richard R. Green HS of Teaching 421 East 88th Street
Academy of St. Joseph / 111 Washington Place, http://www.academyofsaintjoseph.org/
Blue School/ 432 Lafayette, Mezzanine, http://www.theblueschool.org/
The City & Country School / 146 West 13 Street, http://www.cityandcountry.org/
Claremont Preparatory School / 41 Broad Street, http://www.claremontprep.org/
Ecole Internationale de New York / 111 East 22 Street, http://www.einy.org/
Friends Seminary / 222 East 16 Street, http://www.fsnyc.k12.ny.us/
Grace Church School / 86 Fourth Avenue, http://www.gcschool.org/
Little Red Schoolhouse and Elisabeth Irwin High School / 40 Charlton Street, http://www.lrei.org/
St. Luke's School / 487 Hudson Street, http://www.stlukeschool.org/
Village Community School / 272 West 10 Street, http://www.vcsnyc.org/
Liberty High School 250 West 18th Street
School for the Physical City 55 East 25th Street
Manhattan Village Academy Ballet Tech (Sep. Location) 43 West 22nd Street
Baruch College Campus High School (CSD 2) 17 Lexington Avenue
American Sign Language and English Dual Language High School (new) 225 East 23rd Street
School of the Future (CSD 2) 127 East 22nd Street
Legacy School for Integrated Studies 34 West 14th Street
Washington Irving High School 40 Irving Place
Manhattan Comprehensive Night & Day School 240 Second Avenue
Institute for Collaborative Education Health Professions & Human Services HS 345 East 15th Street
53 East Side Community High School 420 East 12th Street
BARD HS/Early College 525 East Houston Street
Lower Manhattan Outreach Center City-As-School 16 Clarkson Street
Chelsea Career and Technical Education High School 131 Avenue of the Americas
Unity High School at The Door Second Opportunity HS 121 Avenue of the Americas
Cascades Center for Teaching & Learning Satellite Academy 198 Forsyth Street
Lower East Side Prep School (CSD 1) Marta Valle Model School Project (HS Level) 145 Stanton Street
Stuyvesant High School 345 Chambers Street
Seward Park High School 350 Grand Street
University Neighborhood High School 200 Monroe Street
Murry Bergtraum High School 411 Pearl Street
High School for Economics & Finance 100 Trinity Place
High School for Leadership & Public Service 90 Trinity Place
Millenium HS 75 Broad Street
Wildcat Academy Charter School 17 Battery Place
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